The Midnite Show #1
Dark Horse Comics
Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Brian Hurtt
Colors by Bill Crabtree
Letters by Jim Campbell
The Rundown: A once lost film unleashes horrors on a small town.

The small town of Cedar Bluffs is hosting the showing of a once lost horror film that was thought destroyed in a fire. As fans and moviegoers gather for the film, something strange begins to happen in the town.
As the film plays on the big screen, the celluloid monsters on the screen begin to manifest in the real world. Manifestations that begin to attack everyone around them.
The Story: As a fan of classic horror films and the genre especially, Bunn delivers a story that touches on everything I enjoy. The story is stylish, inventive and scary with some great twists and turns that kept me engaged with every horror filled moment. Bunn offers some classic movie monster scares taken to the extreme and I am invested in this story and where it can go.
The Art: Hurtt delivers fantastic visuals throughout the issue. The art has a wonderful, classic feel to it and it creates some fantastically horrific moments.