The Hexiles #3
Mad Cave Studios
Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Joe Bocardo
Colors by Manoli Martinez
Letters by El Torres
The Rundown: The siblings meet and learn more about the deal their father struck for their souls.

After being attacked separately, the remaining siblings decide to finally meet to discuss what to do about their collective demon problem. The first order of business is having the demon familiar of Britton tell them all the truth about their father and the man he was in life.
After learning of his job serving demons to destroy or help them, more stories reveal his selfish nature and how he was called to finally fulfill his time on Earth. A call that leads Jamison Kreel to strike a final deal with a group of dangerous entities to save his own soul in exchange for the souls of the children he plans to sire. A deal that the siblings decide needs to be discussed with the entity who struck it.
The Story: Bunn continues to create a fascinating and darkly entertaining story in this issue. All of the characters are engaging and interesting and I love seeing the story of their father revealed in this issue. This story is incredibly dark and intriguing to me as a fan of supernatural horror and I continue to be interested in seeing just how dark it can get.
The Art: I love Bocardo’s art style in this issue. It brilliantly captures the dark tone of the story and its characters.