Rogues’ Gallery #1
Image Comics
Written by Hannah Rose May and Declan Shalvey
Art by Justin Mason
Colors by Triona Farrell
Letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
The Rundown: A group of disaffected “fans” decide to get justice for their favorite comic book character.

The tenth season of the live action adaptation of the comic book Red Rogue is in full swing with its star Maisie Wade in the lead role of the comic book heroine. Unfortunately, a group of fans of the comic series have a deep and growing animosity against the series, its writing and its lead actress. Things get even worse when they discover online that she’s purchased the original Red Rogue comic at auction.
To add insult to injury, as the fans continue to lament the series and its star, they discover that the series they consistently rage against s going to be canceled. This and the issues in their personal lives prompt them to take action. They decide that they are going to liberate the comic from Maisie Wade’s home and they are going to do it dressed as their favorite Red Rogue villains. What they don’t consider is that breaking into the woman’s house might more difficult than they thought and Maisie Wade is not as helpless as they think.
The Story: I was interested in the premise of this story before I started reading it and was not disappointed in the slightest. The story takes the worst elements of fandom from the gatekeeping to the entitlement and takes them to the extreme in a story that is both disturbing and entertaining. There is a palpable level of tension throughout the story as this group plots and plans. I love that the character they are talking about doesn’t show up until the final pages and her appearance was one that made me smile with how unexpected it was.
The Art: Mason delivers some beautifully detailed and stylish art throughout the issue. The visuals are fun and inventive and I love the contrast between the comic book world and the “real” one.