Heartpiercer #1
Dark Horse Comics
Written by Rich Douek
Art by Gavin Smith
Colors by Nicholas Burgdore
Letters by Justin Birch
The Rundown: A warrior finds betrayal and purpose in a world of monsters.

Atala is a warrior loyal to the demands of her king Kuurn. On a hunt for her lord, she fells a magical beast and returns to find that she has been betrayed and left for dead. As Kuurn begins his plan to unleash armies of monsters across the kingdom, Atala finds herself alive on a nearby beach pierced through the heart by a unicorn horn.
As she finds herself walking through scenes of supernatural destruction, Atala discovers that she is imbued with mysterious power. Power she will use to take on the monsters unleashed by the man she used to love.
The Story: Douek delivers a fantastic adventure in this first issue. It ticks all the boxes that make me excited for a new series including crafting a wonderful mystery, creating wonderful tension with the main characters, epic battles and a dark undercurrent that kept me engaged. I love the immediacy of the story and how the main character has great focus and agency. I look forward to seeing where this story goes next.
The Art: Smith delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. The visuals are lively and filled with great action and visual thrills.