Ghostbox #4

Comixology Originals

Written by Mike Carey

Art by Pablo Raimondi

Colors by Jose Villarrubia

Letters by Pablo Raimondi

The Rundown: Officer Warren discovers the secrets of the ghostbox while one of the ghosts makes a dangerous play.

Warren finds herself taking the full brunt of the force trying to take the ghostbox and sees an epic battle between good and evil before the end where she becomes another soul trapped within the box itself. At the same time, Chloe must make a desperate escape as Warren’s fellow officers come looking for her. As Warren explores the ghostbox, she watches the other souls and decides to do what she does best, investigate.

Chloe finds a safe space while the demons lose track of her. Warren talks to the fallen angel about the box itself as a break in the ground continues to grow. When Sabine uses Chloe’s sister skin to sneak out of the box, she convinces Chloe to let her take over her body and makes the demons a dangerous offer.

The Story: Carey continues to create an interesting and engaging world in this issue. The story continues to take some huge chances and intriguing swings with the story and the characters. I continue to enjoy the concept of this series and the different and compelling twists and turns that it takes.

The Art: Raimondi delivers beautifully detailed and visually compelling art throughout the issue. I love the look of this series and this issue is brilliantly done.

Ghostbox #4



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