World’s Finest #1
DC Comics
Written by Mark Waid
Art by Dan Mora
Colors by Tamra Bonvillain
Letters by Aditya Bidikar
The Rundown: Batman heads to Metropolis and finds himself trying to save the Man of Steel.

The quiet streets of Metropolis are rocked by destruction as Poison Ivy releases deadly vines from below ground. As the employees of the Daily Planet work to evacuate, Lois wonders where Clark is. Poison Ivy finds herself interrupted by the arrival of Batman and Robin as Superman rescues civilians from the growing nightmare. After finding the dynamic duo, Superman finds himself confronted by Ivy’s partner, Metallo.
Superman is stabbed with a red kryptonite cocktail as Batman and Robin fight to stop Metallo and in the aftermath, a mysterious figure looks on from the shadows. As Superman begins to transform, he tries to escape the area to not hurt anyone. With Robin on his tail, another transformation stops him temporarily. A stop that might give a specialist and his unique team Batman calls in time to help him.
The Story: Mark Waid delivers some classic Batman/Superman action and adventure in this issue and I loved every moment of it. The dialogue was amazing. The flashback worked perfectly to enhance the story. The character dynamics are fantastic. I even loved the cameos in the issue and where they take the characters next. I cannot wait for the next issue.
The Art: Dan Mora is a fantastic artists and his skills are on full display in this issue. Not only is every page filled with awesome details, but the art has a wonderful visual flow that draws in the reader with every panel.