Way of X #3
Marvel Comics
Written by Simon Spurrier
Art by Bob Quinn
Colors by Java Tartaglia
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Nightcrawler has some personal and external demons to face after his night at the gala.

Kurt is not his usual self and everyone is starting to notice. His desire to find meaning to both his existence and that of mutants causes him to make some pretty public faux pas in front of the guests during the Hellfire Gala. Something he will regret the next morning. Kurt’s search for a hangover cure will give David the time he needs to contact him about what went down at the gala and how it is connected to an old and powerful foe. At the same time, Legion enjoys himself on the new mutant colony on Mars.
Back on the island, Nightcrawler finds a mystery mutant milling about and discovers that it’s Stacy X and she is on a mission of her own. One that will challenge Kurt’s view of the laws of Krakoa. Legion finds himself dealing with another issue when he is asked to help facilitate two mutants who cannot touch in a bond of intimacy. A bond that will expose the creature that has been attacking mutants all over the island. As David goes on the hunt, Kurt will discover a dark and devastating secret at the heart of the island. One that challenges everything he believes.
The Story: Spurrier crafts an interesting story with even more interesting ideas. What attracted me to this series and this issue is the fact that Nightcrawler is searching for meaning among the spectacle and politics of Krakoa. His journey is a fascinating one and gives the reader a sense of the world from a more pragmatic perspective. I was thoroughly impressed with the way this story unfolds and the revelations and ideas that is generates. I cannot wait to see where this story goes next.
The Art: Quinn delivers some great art throughout this issue. There is a focus on character that allows the art to feel intimate to the reader.