The Weatherman Vol.3 #3

Image Comics

Written by Jody Leheup

Art by Nathan Fox

Colors by Moreno Dinisio

Letters by Steve Wands

The Rundown: Cross goes after Ian as he and Jenner look for a devastating weapon.

Cross has hit rock bottom after losing Ian to Jenner and his forces. After being rescued by an old friend, she decides that the only way to save herself is to save the man she sacrificed. At the same time, the President faces a challenge and doubles her efforts to stop Jenner from obtaining the biological weapon that devastated Earth.

As Ian finds himself aligned with the people that destroyed his life, Cross and the others head to Venus to stop Jenner and rescue him. A mission that will lead to some heavy losses and a dangerous confrontation.

The Story: Leheup ramps up the tension and action throughout this issue. The story takes some dark twists and turns throughout and creates some great moments for Cross. I enjoyed the tension a lot and the rise in suspense and action are leading to a confrontation that I cannot wait to see.

The Art: Fox offers some beautifully detailed and visually thrilling art throughout the issue. I loved the action a lot and was amazed with the scope of the imagery.

The Weatherman Vol.3 #3



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