the-warning-1_98da7bd94bThe Warning #1

Image Comics

Written by Edward Laroche

Art by Edward Laroche

Colors by Brad Simpson

Letters by Jaymes Reed

The military mobilizes for a threat that has global repercussions.

As a soldier contemplates the concept of death and rebirth, the machinery of war grinds on behind him. He joins his fellow enhanced soldiers as they are airlifted for transport to an unknown location. Their bodies are closely monitored and regulated with a series of drugs to take the edge off as they fly off into the unknown.


In a research base in California, a doctor is told that her program is reactivated by the government and that she is needed for an important mission that she is informed has the entire planet at stake.

Elsewhere in time, a group of scientists and military personnel are investigating an phenomenon that has emerged on US soil. A phenomenon that has global and universal ramifications for the planet.

The Warning is an interesting slow-burn of a first issue. Nothing is revealed about the threat that everyone is seemingly mobilizing to stop, but there is enough to the mystery of this issue that the reader can guess right up until the reveal towards the end of this issue. Laroche does a great job of planting interesting visual and narrative seeds with this first issue and everything that happens in the pages has the feeling of importance. I enjoyed the dark tone of this book as well as how it is anticipatory in its pacing. I am interested to see where this story is going in the next issue.

The Warning #1




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