Pages-from-LONGCON-4-MARKETING-1The Long Con #4

Oni Press

Written by Dylan Meconis and Ben Coleman

Art by Ea Denich

Colors by M Victoria Robado

Letters by Aditya Bidikar

Things are getting hairy for Victor and company as they find themselves in the middle of an all-out brawl between the forces of the Battle Foxes and the Larkers. As they make their escape, Dez and Victor recall a moment in the not to distant past where they were able to move about outside the view of the con-goers. As they traversed the back area of the convention, they were introduced to the celebrities in attendance.


In the present, they decide to try that tactic again as they move further into the bowels of the convention and things get more desperate. The manage to make their way into the staff area only to find that things in the celebrity section of the convention are more desperate than they could have imagined.

The Long Con is a very fun and funny premise and issue 4 gets more in depth and hilarious as it lovingly skewers Cons and con culture. Even though a Con after the apocalypse is a pretty niche subject, Meconis and Coleman make the humor and story universal and engaging for the reader. There are some really funny fan related references mixed into the narrative and I found myself interested in where the story was going next.

Denich’s art is really good as well. I really enjoyed the style of it as well as the backgrounds and facial expressions. It perfectly matches the style and tone of this story.

The Long Con #4




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