The Department of Truth #5

Image Comics

Written by James Tynion IV

Art by Martin Simmonds

Letters by Aditya Bidikar

The Rundown: Cole Turner will discover that in the game of truth, there are no coincidences.

Ruby has been sent to infiltrate a Black Hat base and finds not only everyone dead and a reptillian guarding the place, but video evidence of the massacre and a file that will lead straight back to the Department of Truth. At the same time, Cole is dealing with the aftermath of what he has done and not even a call from his husband helps the feeling in the pit of his stomach.

After returning home, Cole discovers that he is not alone. The man who took on his trip to the end of the world is waiting in his apartment and he has his own truth to reveal. A series of truths that will cast doubt on everything that Cole has been led to believe about his work at the department and the truth about the demon that has been haunting him since his childhood.

The Story: James Tynion IV crafts a rich and deeply engaging story in this issue. Everything in this series is intriguing and brilliantly laid out to maximize both emotion and thought. This is a wonderfully detailed and immersive story with depth in both plot and character. I am consistently entertained and anxious for the next part of the story to unfold.

The Art: Martin Simmonds brings a bold look and feel to each issue and this one is no different. There are beautiful details throughout the issue and a brilliant use of shadow to emphasize character and emotion.

The Department of Truth #5



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