Star Trek: Resurgence #3
IDW Publishing
Written by Andrew Grant and Dan Martin
Art by Josh Hood
Colors by Charlie Kirchoff
Letters by Neil Uyetake
The Rundown: The Captain makes a dangerous deal while the rest of the Resolute crew works on a new plan.

Jono Endar finds himself in the middle of a standoff between the Talarian leader and the Captain of the Resolute. As tensions continue to mount, Leah Brahms breaks the stalemate by telling the Talarians she will continue to work on their new warp engine with the help of the Resolute crew. After a tense agreement, both crews get to work.
The tension continues as the Resolute’s first officer works behind the scenes on a plan to free the ship and his crew. A plan that will require the help of Jono Endar and in direct conflict with the orders of the captain. A plan that could lead to all out war with the Talarians.
The Story: The story definitely does a great job of cotinuing to highlight the conflict between Solano and his first officer as they clash over ideals with Solano wanting to explore the scientific while ignoring the real threat the ship is facing. I like Jono’s flashback to his time on the Enterprise and how it changed his perspective when he returned to the Talarians. There’s some great action in the issue and I like where the story is heading with the cliffhanger.
The Art: Hood delivers some great art that is beautifully styled and visually engaging.