Alien #5

Marvel Comics

Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson

Art by Lulius Ohta

Colors by Yen Nitro

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: The synths fight a new and dangerous threat in their attempt to escape the planet.

After being infected with a sample from the company, one of the human survivors mutates into something that can kill alongside the alien threat. Amid the slaughter, the remaining synths arrive to help who they can. An act that will result in more loss for the team as Freyja manages to rescue one of the children. A child hiding a secret that could be their ticket off the planet.

After escaping a nuclear blast, the remaining synths and the child find cover while they make plans. At the same time, the infected survivor recruits some dangerous help to hunt down the synths. Dangerous help that will cause more death and destruction while Freyja deals with betrayal from one of her own.

The Story: Dark, intense and filled with great action. Johnson delivers some great pacing and thrills throughout the story. I love the tension between the characters as well and the betrayal towards the end of the issue adds more tension and terror to the story. I love the build up in the story and look forward to the conclusion.

The Art: Ohta delivers some beautifully detailed and stunning art that perfectly captures the thrilling, dark and dangerous elements of the story.

Alien #5



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