Star Trek #15

IDW Publishing

Written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing

Art by Marcus To

Colors by Lee Lougheridge

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: Sisko and his team fight with the Tzenkethi, but betrayal is in store for one of them.

Sisko and the away team prepare to fight alongside the Tzenkethi as they learn of the history of the planet and its people. At the same time, the Romulan delegation prepares for the battle as well. That night Paris confronts Harry about his decision to take this post and their lives after Voyager.

As Crusher investigates the planet alongside Scotty, the former Enterprise engineer begins to remember adventure being a part of his life. As the battle begins and the fight becomes both dangerous and deadly, Sisko impresses the Tzenkethi leader. Unfortunately, he will be betrayed in the midst of a battle that might be his last.

The Story: Kelly and Lanzing deliver an action packed and thrilling story in this issue. I continue to love the evolution of these characters and how they interact with each other. It deepens and enriches the world of Star Trek in a way that I appreciate as a fan. I loved the action and the stakes of the mission while appreciating how everything is delightfully Trek in both its feel and execution.

The Art: Marcus To delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. The imagery is fantastic and I love the visual style of this series.

Star Trek #15



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