Savage Dragon #265
Image Comics
Written by Erik Larsen
Art by Erik Larsen
Colors by Nikos Koutsis and Mike Toris
Letters by Jack Morelli
The Rundown: Malcolm contemplates what to do with his life, while Paul makes a big decision about his.

Jackson is still missing and a new little dragon joins the family as Paul decides to take him in after discovering what happened to his parents. After Malcolm finishes healing, he returns home to find Jackson has returned with a friend and North Force has returned to Earth effectively putting him out of work.
As the Vicious Circle is rounded up and Malcolm makes the decision about returning to the states, Samurai decides to attack. An attack that will reveal the truth about Malcolm’s enemy as well as lead to tragedy.
The Story: Larsen does a great job of giving the story emotional heft with characters going through transition, emotional crises and even loss. At the same time, the story offers great action, humor and charm. There is some intense action in the issue that culminates in some eve more intense moments for Malcolm and his family. I’m curious to see where the story goes next.
The Art: Larsen delivers great action and expressive characters throughout the issue. The visual tone of the story is great and I loved both the action and the emotional moments.