large-3124492Mystery Science Theater 3000 The Comic #3

Dark Horse Comics

Written by Harold Buchholz, Joel Hodgson, Matt McGinnis, Seth Robinson, Sharyl Volpe and Mary Robinson

Art by Todd Nauck, Jack Pollock and Mike Manley

Colors by Wes Dzioba, Jack Pollock and Mike Manley

Letters by Mike Heisler

Tom continues his journey through the Teen Reporter comic and all the WASP-y passive aggressive goodness is going with him. Tom learns more about Shelley’s past after the party and his interactions with her mom showcase the hilarious and tragic tale of a young girl in Hollywood.


The story continues to be funny because Tom is becoming so immersed in the story. His desire to be part of this world makes his interactions more endearing and funny.

Jonah’s adventures with Black Cat leads them to the lair of a supervillain in the loosest sense of the word. His plan is unclear and his henchmen are hilariously inept. When Jonah gets trapped by the villains completely unnecessary chess based trap door, Black Cat must rescue him and take down the thugs.

Crow’s adventure in his horror comic is given most of the issue and it is a funny send up of EC comics. Crow sells it as the crypt-keeper like ghoul and the hikers who get lost in the cold are genuinely douchy enough to deserve the terror they endure.

The comic continues to be incredibly funny with great riff moments throughout the dialogue and a hilarious self-awareness that makes it work in both the comics within the comic and in the interstitial moments with Kinga and company.

The art is a great mixture of styles from the golden and silver age of comics with amazing art for the modern comic panels. Can’t wait to see what happens next.


Mystery Science Theater 3000 #3




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