bitter-root-2_0df333894dBitter Root #2

Image Comics

Written by David F Walker and Chuck Brown

Art by Sanford Greene

Colors by Rico Renzi and Sanford Greene

Letters by Clayton Cowles

Some want to purify evil while others seek to cut it out completely.

In the woods of Southern Mississippi, a young man is about to learn that the Klan members he was with are not entirely human. When they try and lynch a young black man, another man arrives and kills them all. Another member of the Sangerye family has decided that purifying jinoo is not good enough anymore and he’s going to teach the young man with him who he’s really been spending time with.


At the same time in New York, Cullen and Berg are facing a new jinoo they’ve never seen before. One that wants the couple the Sangerye’s cured and one that knows who they are. Cullen races back home with Berg to get him help and the creature that attacked them returns to the home of Doctor Sylvester where it sheds its form and the two of them make plans for the couple and the purification they hold inside them.

The second issue of this series is entertaining and the broader story that is being developed continues to be both interesting and entertaining. There are so many different turns in this story that are keeping me invested and the twist at the end of this issue has me intrigued and ready for the next issue to drop.

The art in this issue is some of the best I’ve seen in a long time. The composition of the panels is amazing and the details are fun and vivid.

Bitter Root #2




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