Local Man #9

Image Comics

Written by Tony Fleecs and Tim Seeley

Art by Tony Fleecs and Tim Seeley

Colors by Brad Simpson and Felipe Sobreiro

The Rundown: Jack discovers the truth, but Inga already has another plan to save herself.

Jack discovers the truth about one of his former allies and also knows that Inga is involved. Unfortunately, his reaction to her on the phone is witnessed by her husband who takes Jack into custody. At the same time, Inga decides to move forward with her plan and leaves something behind for Jack’s father.

As Inga begins her presentation to sell superpowers to the highest bidder, Jack manages to escape from jail just in time to witness Seascape attack the town. As Jack fights to stop her from causing more damage, Inga gives him an impossible choice and her husband begins to tear Jack’s life apart.

The Story: Fleecs and Seeley continue to craft some deeply engaging and compelling stories in this series and this one does a fantastic job of growing and evolving the world of these characters while adding some great character moments for Jack as well as Inga. The dynamic between all of these characters is great and creates some great tension that I want to see evolve.

The Art: Fleecs and Seeley create some amazing art throughout the issue. The visuals are vibrant and beautifully detailed throughout.

Local Man #9



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