Edenwood #4

Image Comics

Written by Tony S Daniel

Art by Tony S Daniel

Colors by Leonardo Paciarotti

Letters by Nathan Kempf

The Rundown: Rion travels a dark memory and discovers more secrets being kept from him.

Rion and his companions find themselves in a graveyard filled with the victims of demons and the truth of how Bastille received both his armor and book are revealed. A revelation that will cause one of the companions to attack Rion forcing him to kill her.

In the present, Rion finds himself in a memory from his recent past. One that will bring him back home where another mystery is revealed. One with a direct connection to his past. A secret that will lead to a dangerous meeting with someone connected to his armor, the book and his mission.

The Story: Daniel delivers more intense world building in this issue and I continue to enjoy the series and its lively characters a lot. The world of the story continues to be compelling and every twist and revelation makes me want to know more. I love the reveal in this issue and cannot wait to see what it means for Rion going forward.

The Art: Daniel’s art is phenomenal. It brings the reader into the intensity of the action while also crafting beautifully detailed characters and environments.

Edenwood #4



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