Green Lantern #12
DC Comics
Written by Jeremy Adams
Art by Xermanico
Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr
Letters by Dave Sharpe
The Rundown: Hal and the others fight their way out of a trap as Carol embraces her power.

Kyle’s powers continue to fluctuate and no one can predict what is happening with them as the Lanterns sent to retrieve him and the other rebels feel its wrath along with the removal of their powers and rings. At the same time, Hal and the others fight their way out of the trap laid for them by Thaaros. A fight that will bring everyone down except for Hal who manages to escape to the stars.
As he finds himself surrounded by the power behind the new Corps, he finds himself battered until receiving help from an unexpected source, Carol Ferris aka Star Sapphire. After rescuing Hal and disappearing, Thaaros puts in a call to his ally on Earth, Amanda Waller.
The Story: A sharp, thrilling adventure from Adams. The story is filled with great action and surprises as it builds on the tension of Hal and the others being overwhelmed by the trap set for them. As much as I enjoyed the action of the main story, I really connected with the return of Carol as Star Sapphire and what it means for her relationship with Hal as well as the connection between the United Planets and Amanda Waller. It creates an interesting cliffhanger as well as a great lead in to the upcoming Absolute Power event.
The Art: Xermanico creates some beautifully detailed and visually thrilling art throughout the issue. I really loved the visual style and how it connects with the thrills and suspense of the story.