Once again I was prepared to go it alone, but I got a call from a very old friend of mine from California Josh and we decided to record our comic book catch up as a new episode. Unfortunately, we got cut off before we could get to DC Comics, but that just means we get to do this all over again another time. At the end of this episode is a short interview I had with Ming Chen from AMC’s Comic Book Men as he tells me what he loves about the Con experience. As always you can find news and information on superpoweredfancast.com, follow me on Twitter @superpoweredfan. Follow Josh on Twitter @soilworley and read my news articles and reviews on Geeks WorldWide at thegww.com.

1 Comment

  • Josh

    July 17, 2017 - 7:54 pm

    This was the fastest hour of my life. So much fun!

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