Crowded_02-1Crowded #2

Image Comics

Written by Christopher Sebela

Art by Ro Stein

Inks by Ted Brandt

Colors by Triona Farrell

Letters by Cardinal Rae

Charlie and Vita have a problem. One that is too close to home for the bodyguard. After Charlie calls an old friend, a group of wannabe assassins shows up at Vita’s home looking to collect the one million dollar plus bounty on Charlie’s head. Vita defends her client, but goes a little too far injuring one which prompts an intervention by the police, one of whom is Vita’s ex. With their location compromised, Vita and Charlie find themselves hiding out, but Charlie wants to go out on the town. A prospect that brings Vita face to face with some old colleagues and Charlie confronts people who she thought were her friends.


The next day, Vita takes her client to get some answers and we learn the history of the Reapr app and its significance from the exposition kids. After getting a list of who backed the campaign to put a hit on her, Charlie and Vita need to decide on what their next move is going to be. They need to figure it out quick because the price on Charlie’s head is starting to entice some more skilled hunters.

The concept and humor of this issue are its strong points. There is great dialogue and the characters are solid. Even though there is still nothing to like about Charlie as a character, I found myself connecting to the character through Vita. Sebela has done a great job of making these characters interesting and layered. It makes the circumstances that surround them more compelling.

Ro Stein’s art is great. I loved the fluidity of the character designs and the details in each panel were great. I loved the facial expressions as well because they complemented the tone of the story and the characters so well.

Crowded #2




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