Castle Full of Blackbirds #1

Dark Horse Comics

Written by Mike Mignola and Angela Slatter

Art by Valeria Burzo

Colors by Michelle Madsen

Letters by Clem Robins

The Rundown: Sara May travels across the country to enroll at a very special school.

Sara May has decided to take Miss Brook up on her offer to become part of the Linton School for Girls. Even after her encounter with Hellboy, she is determined to learn more about her powers and what she can do with them. After traveling to New York, she discovers the school, its colorful headmaster and even more interesting students.

After Miss Brook arrives, Sara May begins her first lesson. A dangerous one that will require her to learn to become something different. What she doesn’t know is that the school is filled with secrets and many of them revolve around her.

The Story: Migola and Slatter deliver an interesting and entertaining story in this first issue. I enjoyed its connection to Hellboy without oversaturating the story with his presence. I love the dark mystery of the plot and how Sara May is at the center of it. I am intrigued with how the story will evolve and what will happen with the character when it does.

The Art: Burzo offers some beautifully detailed and engaging imagery throughout the issue. I really love the style of the visuals and how it crafts the characters.

Castle Full of Blackbirds #1



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