Blood Stained Teeth #2
Image Comics
Written by Christian Ward
Art by Patric Reynolds
Colors by Heather Moore
Letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
The Rundown: Sloane embarks on his mission to clean up his mess by going after his toughest Sip first.

Atticus Sloane has been put out of the business of making humans into vampires and his bosses want him to clean up his mess by killing everyone he’s turned. Sloane decides to start with the brutal cage fighter. Someone who doesn’t take too kindly to being hunted. Someone who is definitely going to put up a fight.
At the same time, the mystery person in the shadows decides to pay a visit to a powerful vampire. One who believes himself to be all powerful and will discover too late that he’s not.
The Story: Ward delivers a solid follow up to the first issue with a story filled with action, intrigue and adventure. What makes the story more interesting is the world the writer is creating and how compelling the characters become within it. I like that both parts of the story have different tones with Sloane’s story being more tension filled and the other being more covert and engaging.
The Art: Reynolds delivers some brilliant, stylized art on every page of the issue. The story benefits beautifully from the gorgeous art and the tone that it sets with every moment.