Vanish #4
Image Comics
Written by Donny Cates and Ryan Stegman
Art by Ryan Stegman
Inks by JP Mayer
Colors by Sonia Oback
Letters by John J. Hill
The Rundown: Oliver continues his hunt as his mission puts those close to him in more danger.

Oliver takes on another former foe masquerading as a superhero in the sewers beneath the city. A fight that will not only give him access to more power, but also reveal the truth about who he was facing and her connection to Vanish. At the same time, Deacon is confronted by another “hero” in disguise who wants to know where Oliver is. A hero who is revealed to be one of the deadliest and most evil people they faced in the war.
As Halcyon tries to beat the information out of Deacon, the Illynna reveals that she was merely a decoy as she tries to plead with Oliver to see what his mission is doing to him. At the same time, Oliver’s wife gets an unexpected and dangerous visitor.
The Story: Cates and Stegman continue to craft an entertaining and thrilling story in this issue. There is some great tension in the plot and the characters continue to be interesting and compelling. I love the dark turn Oliver is making and there are some great subtle hints at what is really happening to him that I am excited to see explored. I love the tension throughout the issue and the final shot makes me excited to see what happens next.
The Art: Stegman deliver some powerful, brutal and beautifully detailed art on every page of this issue. I love the visual style of this issue and how amazing the world of it looks.