Universal Monsters: Creature from the Black Lagoon #1
Image Comics
Written by Dan Watters and Ram V
Art by Matthew Roberts
Colors by Dave Stewart
Letters by DC Hopkins
The Rundown: Kate Marsden is on the trail of a killer and finds herself in the middle of a local legend.

Kate Marsden is a reporter who has been touched by tragedy. After surviving being drowned by a serial killer, Kate has abandoned her career to hunt the man all the way to the jungles of Peru. After discovering a series of drownings in the area, Kate is sure it’s the man Collier she’s hunting.
When one of the bodies from the morgue goes missing, Kate goes looking for it and discovers something in the jungle. When she finds herself slipping beneath the depths of the river, she is rescued by an unexpected and monstrous being.
The Story: Watters and Ram V craft an entertaining first issue of this story. The story does some interesting things with the character while also crafting an engaging mystery through the revenge story of Kate. The issue subverted many of my expectations and comes to an interesting conclusion that makes me want to see what happens next.
The Art: Roberts delivers some beautifully detailed art that perfectly captures the tone of the story. The visuals showcase the dense jungle location as well as the danger all around. I loved the opening images and how they connect with the main character.