GB35_Real-CoverThe Real Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary One-Shot

IDW Publishing

Written by Cavan Scott

Art by Marcelo Ferriera

Inks by Maria Keane

Colors by Luis Antonio Delgado

Letters by Neil Uyetake

The Ghostbusters are called into another routine job, but the jamming of their equipment is just what a rival group of paranormal investigators needs to move in and make a quick name for themselves in the city.


Always one step ahead of the Ghostbusters, the rival group manages to not only steal their thunder, but they do so with equipment that puts the classic proton packs to shame. When their leader decides to recruit Ray into his organization, he initially refuses. When the rival group takes Slimer, Ray decides to go in and find out what’s going on.

What he finds not only confirms Egon’s suspicions, but also has the potential to destroy the city.

Cavan Scott does a really good job of bringing telling this story. It does have pace and general feel of an episode of the animated series and that is the biggest thing working in its favor. It is fun to read. The jokes land and the characters are consistent with the show as well in regards to their personalities and interactions. I liked the villain in this issue as well. Even if the concept of a rival ghost busting group has been done multiple times before, this issue has a fun take on the premise with the twist about the leader of the group.

The art by Marcelo Ferriera is really good and keeps the aesthetic of the animated series. A good-looking issue from beginning to end.

Real Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary One Shot




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