The Me You Love in the Dark #1

Image Comics

Written by Skottie Young

Art by Jorge Corona

Colors by Jean-Francois Beaulieu

Letters by Nate Piekos

The Rundown: Ro Meadows was looking for a place to reignite her artistic fire, but she will find more than she bargained for.

Ro Meadows has worked hard to become a famous artist and she is looking for a place to rent that will allow her to find her create spark again. After seeing a strange home with a long history, she decides that is where she wants to stay. Joking with the supposed ghost of the gothic home, she proceeds to paint. A task that becomes harder by the day.

With pressure from her agent and the rest of the art world for Ro to produce more and show again, the woman’s frustration becomes terror when a mysterious voice speaks to her from the empty house. A voice that she fears, but also wants to know more about.

The Story: Young crafts a great first issue filled with tension, atmosphere and character. Ro is an interesting character and the slow burn of the story does a great job of drawing in the reader with great dialogue and an engaging premise. Haunted house stories are always interesting to me and it will be more interesting to see what Skottie Young does with this one after the reveal of the entity. I can’t wait to see what happens in issue two.

The Art: Jorge Corona delivers some great atmosphere with the art in this first issue. There are some great character moments and the panels have a spooky feel that isn’t overwhelming. There is also an excellent use of shadow throughout that made me scrutinize every panel and page.

The Me You Love in the Dark #1



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