The Invincible Iron Man #18

Marvel Comics

Written by Gerry Duggan

Art by Creees Lee

Inks by Walden Wong

Colors by Bryan Valenza

Letters by Joe Caramagna

The Rundown: War Machine makes an escape and Tony finds himself in mixed company.

While Tony battles the sentinels and tries to get his new suit working, Rhodey finds himself facing down Orchis troops with orders to kill him. Luckily, Rhodes has some unexpected support in the form of his old suit and proceeds to make his escape from prison with a couple of interesting companions.

At the same time, Iron Man finds himself staring down both Magneto and Feilong. After Feilong realizes the truth about the conspiracy to kill both mutants and humans, he agrees to help Stark power his suit while Magneto completes repairs. As the trio head off to take down the remaining sentinel factories, Nimrod arrives to stop them once and for all.

The Story: Duggan creates great drama throughout the story with some intense moments for both Iron Man and War Machine. The plot delivers some interesting surprises as well, but its true strength lies in the action. The story is very action heavy and it all works for both the characters and the bigger arc being told. I like that Stark is reacting to event throughout this issue and look forward to seeing what happens next.

The Art: Lee delivers some impressive art throughout the issue. The visuals are lively and beautifully detailed.

The Invincible Iron Man #18



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