X-Men #34

Marvel Comics

Written by Gerry Duggan

Art by Joshua Cassara

Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: As the X-Men fight for their lives, MODOK unleashes a new threat on everyone.

The mutants continue to fight the Orchis threat in their coordinated resistance as Kitty begins a new mission starting with finding and freeing Caliban. At the same time, MODOK uses his tech to mutate the remaining human fighters within Orchis to destroy everyone and everything around.

Fighting a battle on multiple fronts, small teams of X-Men fight to protect the humans who hate them while taking on MODOK. On the other side of the world, Kitty is confronted by her dark plans. Plans that Wolverine will join in as their target their next threat; Charles Xavier.

The Story: Duggan crafts some intense action and thrills throughout this issue with an awesome reveal that makes every moment of action more interesting. The intensity of the story comes from the conflicted characters and their feelings for Xavier. Kitty’s journey continues to be a compelling one and I look forward to seeing what happens when these former students finally find their former mentor.

The Art: Cassara delivers some beautifully detailed and perfectly realized character designs and action throughout this issue. The fight with MODOK was visually intense and I loved every page and panel of it.

X-Men #34



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