The Dreaming Waking Hours #6

DC Comics

Written by G. Willow Wilson

Art by Javier Rodriguez

Letters by Simon Bowland

The Rundown: Heather After will find there is a high price for not keeping your eye on the ball.

In the aftermath of their attempts to free a mother trapped in the Dreaming, those involved attempt to return to a normal life. Ruin finds himself on Earth needing a place to stay and the object of his return makes a change in his life as well. As for Heather After, the granddaughter of Roderick Burgess, she decides to hit the town with her boyfriend in order o network. Unfortunately, she has forgotten that she was marked by a powerful enemy.

As she enjoys her evening, she finds herself in the presence of Puck who has not forgotten being summoned by the novice wizard. With the insult still fresh in his mind, he lashes out at Heather causing a wound that will not heal. Losing blood and being stalked by creatures attracted to her wound, she finds herself in an emergency room being treated and without any of the items that might have protected her. In a desperate attempt to save herself, she calls John Constantine for help and she decides to cast a spell that will protect her, but she ends up summoning someone she didn’t expect.

The Story: Wilson does a great job of moving the story forward in new and interesting directions. Heather is an engaging character and her history in this universe makes her story all the more compelling. I really enjoyed the dialogue and how the story connects to the Sandman universe and its diverse and strange cast of characters. I was impressed with how this story unfolded and the direction its taking. I cannot wait to see where it goes next.

The Art: Javier Rodriguez delivers some great art in this issue. There are some awesome panels throughout and I really enjoyed the small details in the backgrounds as well as the cameos from other characters.

The Dreaming Waking Hours #6



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