Superman Heroes #1

DC Comics

Written by Brian Michael Bendis, Matt Fraction and Greg Rucka

Art by Kevin Maguire, Mike Perkins, Steve Lieber, Mike Norton and Scott Godlewski

Colors by Paul Mounts, Gabe Eltaeb, Andy Troy and Nathan Fairbairn

Letters by Troy Peteri, Clayton Cowles and Simon Bowland


The Rundown: Superman prepares to tell the world the truth about himself and the people in his life prepare for what comes next.

Clark Kent has come to a decision about telling the world the truth that he is Superman. As monumental as the decision is, he knows that he needs to get advice from the people he loves, respects and admires. After telling the Justice League his decision, he tells the world and goes to visit the people who meant something in making the decision.

At the same time, Bruce contemplates the decision and Diana knows that there is more to his mood than he’s letting on. As the two of them have coffee and talk, Bruce reveals the truth of why Clark’s decision is hitting him so hard and the pair join the rest of the world in coming to terms with this new dynamic as the Man of Steel and Lois open the gift Lex gave to her and discover a secret that could bring down the Daily Planet.

The Story: Bendis, Fraction and Rucka craft an entertaining and compelling story that reminds the audience of what kind of character Superman is and how his decisions impact those around him. I love the separate parts of this story and how they connect into a compelling tapestry of the character. The Bruce/Diana story is very moving and speaks to the heart of Bruce and Clark’s friendship. All of the stories are well done and worth reading.

The Art: All of the artists bring their best to the visuals and each story has a unique and beautiful tone and feel to it based on the art.

Superman Heroes #1




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