Star Wars: Yoda #3

Written by Cavan Scott

Art by Nico Leon

Colors by Dono Sanchez-Almara

Letters by Joe Caramagna

The Rundown: Yoda returns to the Scavi to see if young Bree has learned a lesson.

In the aftermath of his rescue by Bree and the other Scalvi, Yoda is disappointed that Bree decided to kill in order to free him. A disappointment that causes him to leave the planet.

Years later, an adult Bree must deal with his hotheaded nephew who wants to prove himself to be a warrior like his hero. When the young man raids the Crulkon camp and kidnaps the daughter of their leader, Yoda must watch to see if Bree and the Scalvi have learned anything in the time he’s been away.

The Story: A thoughtful, entertaining end to this particular arc that shows the growth of all of the characters as well as crafting a story with some great parallels to the real world. Scott crafts an engaging story of redemption for one of the characters as Yoda learns a lesson regarding his place as a Jedi in war.

The Art: Leon delivers some great art in the issue. The visuals are bright, fun and visually engaging.

Star Wars: Yoda #3



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