Star Wars #47

Marvel Comics

Written by Charles Soule

Art by Madibek Musabekov

Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: Lando’s trial is coming to an end, but someone might be trying to pass sentence early.

Lando awakens in his cell gasping as it is being slowly filled with toxic gas from an errant droid. After a last-minute rescue orchestrated by his advocate, both he and Salli want answers as to why someone would want to kill Lando Calrissian.

As the trial resumes, Lando faces off against not only his accusers, but a possible assassin among them. With his life on the line, his advocate brings in her witnesses and Lando Calrissian is given the opportunity to do what he does best, charm everyone in the room.

The Story: Soule brings the trial of Lando to an interesting if flawed end. There was a lot of posturing throughout the proceedings and some unlikely moments that strained credibility, but the overall story was fun for the most part. It gave the character the opportunity to flex the charm he’s known for and gave the reader an interesting perspective on the alliance, especially its desperation given its position against the empire. An enjoyable conclusion with some cringe inducing moments wrapped in charming fun.

The Art: Musabekov delivers beautiful art throughout the issue. The visuals allow for some great character emotions to make up for the lack of action or adventure.

Star Wars #47



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