SIDE_Cv13-768x1166Sideways #13

DC Comics

Written by Dan DiDio

Art by Kenneth Rocafort

Colors by Dan Brown

Letters by Travis Lanham

The story of how Derek received his powers is finally revealed.

After Tempus confronts a mysterious figure, the story of what happened to Derek during Metal is revealed and the figure has a personal connection to the new hero. A connection that prompted her to return Derek to Gotham with a gift.


As Derek has an awkward conversation with his birth mother, a call from Detective Hopkins leads to the true killer of Derek’s mother. A surprising revelation that will lead Derek to confront the unlikely suspect and learn the truth.

With the truth finally revealed, Derek moves on with his life and his relationship with Ernie and as the pair go off on another adventure, a new mystery connected to Derek’s mother is revealed.

Dan DiDio created an entertaining and engaging character with Sideways and his world is inhabited by intriguing characters. It’s a shame that this final issue doesn’t live up to everything that came before it. The pace was too fast. It never really engaged the reader because it never seemed to find a flow. The mystery surrounding the death of Derek’s mother was unsatisfying in its conclusion and I expected more from this issue.

Rocafort’s art is amazing. Everything looked great. I just wish that the story rose to the same level as the art.

Sideways #13




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