The Jetsons originally aired on ABC in 1962 and has been in syndication for years after its initial run. The series featured the day-to-day struggles of life in the distant future. It centers on family patriarch George Jetson and his family including his wife Jane, daughter Judy, son Elroy and family pet Astro. George’s adventures and mishaps in the future contributed to many aspects of pop culture and many thought that a big screen version fo the series was imminent.

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With the success of the live action Flinstones movie in 1994, there was speculation that the advances in digital effects would mean that The Jetsons would be the next logical project. Unfortunately, Warner Brothers has been trying for years to get a live action version of the Hannah Barbera cartoon series The Jetsons off the ground.


Today, The Hollywood Reporter has exclusive news that the studio has hired a director for a new Jetsons movie. The studio has gone to Conrad Vernon, co-director of the hit adult computer animated comedy Sausage Party to develop and helm The Jetsons for Warner Animation Group.

Vernon is a veteran in animation having co-directed Shrek 2 and Monsters Vs Aliens for DreamWorks Animation. No word yet on casting or release date, but we will keep you posted.

Story brought to you from The Super Powered Fancast on Twitter @superpoweredfan.

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