DC Comics next animated film features Batman and Nightwing in a race to stop Poison Ivy and The Floronic Man from starting a global apocalypse. In order to bring down the pair, Batman must enlist help from an unlikely source: Harley Quinn.
Batman and Harley Quinn is the latest animated film from DC and it has a uniquely familiar look and feel that reminds me of Batman: The Animated Series. The film is directed by Sam Liu and produced by Batman: TAS veteran Bruce Timm.
Video Courtesy of Entertainment Weekly
The film features the return of Kevin Conroy as Batman and Loren Lester as Nightwing. Melissa Rauch (Big Bang Theory) provides the voice of Harley Quinn and Paget Brewster (Criminal Minds) is voicing Poison Ivy.
Batman and Harley Quinn is expected to be released this summer.
Story by The Super Powered Fancast on Twitter @superpoweredfan.