Night People #1

One Press

Written by Barry Gifford and Chris Condon

Art by Brian Level

Colors by Ronda Pattison

Letters by Shawn Lee

The Rundown: Two killers on a path of destruction find themselves in the path of a lawyer.

Two female ex-cons by the names of Cutie and Bet have what they believe to be a holy mission. A mission that will have them cut a path of death and destruction throughout the south until they hit Florida. A destination that will put them into the path of local lawyer Mr. Lamar.

When Bet and Cutie decide to kidnap Lamar, they plan to show him their divine mission. Unfortunately, their mission runs into a snag when a couple of bikers decide their hideout might be a nice place to crash.

The Story: Gifford and Condon deliver an action packed and thrilling story in this first issue. There is a poetic tone to the violence of the story and the characters are incredibly interesting both in their demeanor and interactions. I like that there is an intersecting story emerging in this issue and I look forward to seeing where it goes next.

The Art: Level delivers some beautiful art in the issue. I love the details in the characters a lot and how there are panels that change the shape of faces to denote dark intent.

Night People #1



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