Spiderman-v01_cvrMarvel Action Spider-Man: New Beginnings Book One

IDW Publishing

Written by Delilah S Dawson

Art by Fico Ossio

Colors by Ronda Pattison

Letters by Shawn Lee

Rundown: Peter Parker is about to discover that he isn’t the only arachnid in New York as an internship ends up introducing him to two more heroes.


Peter’s life as Spider-Man is relatively uncomplicated. He fights bad guys and does the right thing. Unfortunately, his personal life is a different story. After landing an internship at the Daily Bugle, Peter is introduced to his fellow interns Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy. The three of them find themselves following a series of leads involving mutated animal attacks throughout the city and their investigations inevitably cause them to run into each other.

As they team up to investigate the source of the mutated animals, they find that a series of experiments conducted by someone they know could put them and the entire city at risk. Especially when a certain scientist discovers them.

The Story: Delilah S Dawson does a great job of crafting a story that is in keeping with the world of the wall crawler and the other characters. There is a lighter tone to the story and the characters and that works for creating something that appeals to younger readers and that is definitely the target audience. The stakes are relatively tame and the dialogue is perfect for younger readers to grasp and enjoy along with the character interactions.

The Art: The art by Fico Ossio is fun, colorful, bright and full of energy. There are some great character details throughout as well as some beautiful backgrounds and cityscapes.

marvel action spider-man new beginnings




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