Know Your Station #4
BOOM! Studios
Written by Sarah Gailey
Art by Liana Kangas
Colors by Rebecca Nalty
Letters by Cardinal Rae
The Rundown: Elise’s investigation becomes public and her own secrets threaten to derail everything.

After the series of murders on the station are revealed, Elise is forced to make a public statement in order to keep the peace. Unfortunately, she and Marin are no closer to discovering who is murdering the station’s wealthiest citizens and the discovery of a body Elise has a connection too makes things even worse.
When the person tasked with programming the station AI decides to look into corrupt files, Elise starts to panic. After talking to her fellow crewmates and potential suspects, she gets a distress call that could change everything about her investigation.
The Story: Gailey is definitely ramping up the intensity in this issue. Not only is the mystery compelling, but Elise’s own secrets keep the tension incredibly high. The story continues to take some strange and engaging twists and turns that leave the reader almost as confused as the main character. I really enjoyed the buildup throughout the issue and was impressed and excited about the twist at the end.
The Art: Kangas delivers some beautiful art that brilliantly taps into the tension of the story. The visuals continue to do a great job of shaping the world of these characters.