Kill Your Darlings #5

Image Comics

Written by Ethan S. Parker and Griffin Sheridan

Art by Robert Quinn

Colors by Robert Quinn

Letters by John J. Hill

The Rundown: A dark truth from Rose’s past is revealed and could be the reason she has been targeted by dark forces.

Andrea sits in class in high school and realizes that something is wrong. After discovering she is pregnant, her life takes a dark turn. After dropping out of school and having to leave her home, she finds herself stressing about everything while trying to survive with no help from anyone.

On the night Rose is born, she races to the hospital and her need for help will bring her face to face with tragedy. A tragedy that she hides. A tragedy that will seek revenge on her through her newborn daughter.

The Story: I really enjoyed this backstory. Parker and Sheridan do a fantastic job of bringing more context to the bigger story while also expanding its world and characters. I like the dark tone of this story and the rising tension throughout it. The issue ends with an interesting and surprising reveal that explains a lot and makes me excited to see where the story goes next.  

The Art: Quinn delivers some beautiful art in the issue. The visuals deliver on the mood and tone of the story perfectly and I love the visual details throughout the issue.

Kill Your Darlings #5



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