Green Lantern War Journal #8

DC Comics

Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson

Art by Montos

Colors by Adriano Lucas

Letters by Dave Sharpe

The Rundown: John Stewart is trapped across the galaxy and the Revenant Queen goes after his family.

John Stewart finds himself facing the forces of the Revenant Queen in a part of the galaxy that he and others are trapped within. After facing off and finding a small victory, John learns about the others trapped on a desolate moon. Others who know who he is and what he is meant to be.

Back on Earth, John’s mother is attacked in her illusion by a servant of John’s enemy. A servant that has targeted the woman for emotional torture. At the same time, Shepherd goes looking for Guy Gardner and discovers a secret that might hold the answers they seek.

The Story: Kennedy Johnson creates a wonderfully tense and engaging story. All three parts of the issue have a wonderful build up with each creating a different set of emotions that all fit together. The Shepherd story has some fun moments with Guy Gardner, but the interlude with John’s mother is the story that utilizes the tension the best.

The Art: Montos delivers beautiful art throughout the issue. The visuals are darkly detailed and perfectly capture the tension of the story.

Green Lantern War Journal #8



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