Green Arrow #12
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Phil Hester, Eric Gapstur and Sean Izaakse
Colors by Romulo Fajardo Jr
Letters by Troy Peteri
The Rundown: Oliver Queen and his family have a final showdown with Merlyn.

Oliver and his family find themselves fighting an army of constructs created by Malcolm Merlyn using the mask of Psycho Pirate. As the battle rages, Oliver uses a tactic that he decides is worth the risk given his relationship with Amanda Waller.
After isolating Merlyn and relying on his family to take down their enemies, Oliver gets some last minute help from Diggle. Help that will allow Oliver Queen and his family to find a much needed escape while the shadow of Waller continues to loom over them.
The Story: Williamson crafts an exciting and thrilling story in this issue that beautifully brings this part of the arc to a close. There is great action throughout the issue and I loved the rise in suspense throughout the story. There are some fun elements throughout the plot and I really enjoyed seeing Oliver use both his skill and brains to overcome. It’s a testament to how interesting the character can be when utilized correctly.
The Art: All of the artists bring some creative and entertaining flair to the imagery in the issue. The art it beautifully detailed and perfectly captures the dark tone of the story as well as the lighter elements of its conclusion.