Free for All #1
Oni Press
Written by Patrick Horvath
Art by Patrick Horvath
Colors by Patrick Horvath
Letters by Patrick Horvath
The Rundown: In the future, the rich fight for their lives to hold onto their wealth.

In the future, CEO’s who don’t pay their fair share are pitted against each other in gladiatorial battles to the death against each other. The current champion is real estate magnate Ted Brooks who refuses to give up any of his wealth. After defeating a pharmaceutical entrepreneur in the latest blood match, he makes the decision to forgo the lottery and participate in the next Free For All against his ex-wife.
Brook’s ex-wife and former business partner Luella Dominguez has decided to forgo paying her fine as well because she wants to face Ted to make him pay for what he did and how he betrayed her. As the pair enter the arena, old grudges and new surprises await the pair in a battle to the death.
The Story: Patrick Horvath crafts a beautifully interesting and satirical story in this issue. The stories politics are front and center and I appreciate that it doesn’t shy away from what it is trying to say about the rich and powerful, our social media society and the bread and circuses that people clamor for. It’s a brilliantly engaging and interesting story that drew me into a world I want to see explored more.
The Art: Horvath’s art is beautifully detailed and delivers fantastic, dark and imaginative imagery in every page and panel.