Firefly_011_B_PreorderFirefly #11

Boom! Studios

Written by Greg Pak

Art by Dan McDaid

Inks by Vincenzo Federici

Colors by Marcelo Costa

Letters by Jim Campbell

The Rundown: Mal and company prepare for a second Battle of Serenity Valley with his mother taking command.


Caught in the middle of the start of another war for independence, the crew of the Serenity finds themselves with a last minute save from Ma Reynolds and her crew. With tensions mounting, Mal tries to stop his mother from starting another fight, but their complicated history gets in the way and her successful hit on an Alliance ship only makes matters worse.

Inara tries to broker a deal with a governor looking to make a name for himself and runs into even more opposition when Mal, Zoe and most of the crew decide to stick around and fight.

The Story: As tension mounts on both sides, Greg Pak delivers a story that is big in its stakes without forgetting the characters that make the story worth reading. I like the fact that Pak dives into Malcolm’s past, but I wish there were more to it. Hopefully, subsequent issues will flesh out that part of the story. The story continues to effectively remind the reader of the bond these characters have and the dialogue is crisp, fun and exciting. There’s an energy and momentum to this story and the feeling that more twists and turns await.

The Art: Dan McDaid offers some great character designs and expressive action in this issue. With all the action around, this issue was about the characters, their personal struggle and their decisions so McDaid does a great job of focusing on the characters while also keeping the backgrounds and action filled with detail.

Firefly #11




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