Dark Ride #12

Image Comics

Written by Joshua Williamson

Art by Andrei Bressan

Colors by Adriano Lucas

Letters by Pat Brosseau

The Rundown: The devil comes to collect his due from the Dante family as the park burns.

The dark powers that gave Arthur Dante his power have come to collect on their debt and decides that Arthur’s time is over. It wants new blood to run the park and will make its plea to Sam in order to get both a new deal for control of the park and the only thing he loves as payment.

At the same time, Halloween makes her play for the park. A play she has been planning for years and will sacrifice anything and anyone to get it. As Arthur deals with the reality of his betrayal, he finds himself dealing with the consequences of his actions when his dead wife returns from the grave.

The Story: Williamson brings this arc to a dramatic and thrilling conclusion. All of the story elements that have made this series so fantastic are on display as the character’s arcs converge to create a story that is fun, thrilling and beautifully dark. I love where this story brings the characters as well as how it teases some different and interesting stories to be told if the story continues.

The Art: Bressan delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. The visuals perfectly capture the dark and intense energy of the story.

Dark Ride #12



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