Daphne Byrne #6

DC Comics 

Written by Laura Marks

Art by Kelley Jones

Colors by Michelle Madsen

Letters by Rob Leigh

The Rundown: Daphne will tap into the darkness within her to save her mother from a brutal cult.

Daphne infiltrates the home of Mrs. Swarthmore to find her mother and she calls on her dark brother to protect her. When he doesn’t respond, Daphne will have to find a way to find and rescue her mother before the gathered cult begins their ceremony to bring forth their master into this world.


Swarthmore and her cronies prepare both Daphne’s mother and the rest of the cult for the ceremony as Daphne sneaks in to rescue her mother. Unfortunately, the two are caught and as they call on the demon to enter and begin the ceremony, they will discover that the creature they pray to is not only already among them, but has taken a form none of them expect.

The Story: The story continues to take some dark and interesting turns in this new issue. Laura Marks has done a great job of setting up this world and its characters and I enjoy the series and the direction it seems to be taking the character. If there is one thing that didn’t work for me with this issue was the pacing. Everything seemed to just happen all at once and the tension that I’ve come to enjoy from the series was lost. While I enjoyed where the story left off, the journey there was too abrupt and in many ways unsatisfying.

The Art: Kelley Jones has some brilliantly dark visuals in this issue and every scene works visually. It is a great looking issue with the perfect balance of shadow and detail.

Daphne Byrne #6




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