Captain Marvel #23

Marvel Comics

Written by Kelly Thompson

Art by Lee Garbett and Belen Ortega

Colors by Antonio Fabela

Letters by Clayton Cowles

The Rundown: Carol will receive an unusual offer and learn more about the dark future she finds herself in.

Luke Cage returns with a message for Carol Danvers and the other survivors. Unfortunately, this Cage has no interest in connecting with his daughter and looks like he is under the control of someone else. After receiving the mysterious message to meet, Carol and Emma begin gathering a small group to go with them.

As the group heads towards the grounds of the former public library, Carol learns more about what happened to the world and her friends after she disappeared. She also learns about what happened when her future self returned. As they make their way to their destination, they are attacked, but after defeating the creature, Carol will discover a strange new world growing among the ruins of the old.

The Story: The plot moves forward with both surprises and reveals that I was looking forward to seeing unfold. Thompson does a great job with the plot and the characters, but the story felt rushed at times and lacking in emotional context at others. The dynamic of Cage and his daughter deserved more exploration and the impact of events is given a more clinical explanation than emotional one. Still, the story is really good and adds another layer to the story as it brings the characters to a surprising cliffhanger that makes me interested in reading on.

The Art: Lee Garbett and Belen Ortega deliver some great art in this issue. Everything from the characters to the backgrounds is given great details. I really enjoyed the contrast in styles between the different time periods.

Captain Marvel #23



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