
Captain America #17

Marvel Comics

Written by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Art by Jason Masters

Colors by Matt Milla

Letters by Cory Petit

The Rundown: Cap and company will have to race against the clock to find a cop killer before the city tears itself apart.


Captain America and the Daughters of Liberty know that there is something not right about the police officers that were hunted down and murdered in the city, but the unrest following their deaths is starting to boil over with the population. Steve and Sharon need answers, but the Power Elite has covered their tracks very well and the apparent death of Wilson Fisk is not making things any easier.

With tensions rising, Steve and Misty Knight decide to go back to the beginning of their investigation and find a witness willing to fill in the blanks of what they know, help guide them to the man calling himself Scourge and unfortunately, put a target on his back.

The Story: Coates continues to bring some great investigative detective work into this story. One of the things that makes this story and Cap’s current adventures working is the scale of these adventures. Coates manages to keep the stakes high, the danger interesting, but the scale small enough so that the characters become the focus and not the event. I like the subtlety of the language and the way these characters interact. Cap’s narration serves to inform the audience contextually and I love how it is used.

The Art: Jason Masters offers some great visuals in this issue. There are great details throughout from the characters to the backgrounds and the action builds naturally in relation to the story.


Captain America #17




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