Batman #118
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Jorge Molina and Mikel Janin
Colors by Tomeu Morey
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: With Gotham relatively safe, Batman finds himself caught up in a mission overseas.

With the streets of Gotham relatively safe, Batman finds himself feeling uneasy. As the city celebrates the end of the Magistrate program and the incarceration of Scarecrow, Oracle tries to get Batman to take some time and enjoy himself. When a call comes in about a group of villains heading towards a billionaire party, Batman moves in to stop them. In the aftermath, Batman gets more bad news.
When members of Batman Incorporated turn themselves in for an apparent murder, Bruce decides to make a trip overseas to see what is going on with the investigation. As he teams up with the detective assigned to the case, he makes a startling realization about the crime and the perpetrators. At the same time, he meets the man now financing Batman Inc and its someone he never would have expected.
The Story: Williamson begins a new chapter for the Dark Knight and the story begins with an interesting premise. Revisiting the Batman Inc storyline is an intriguing premise, but nothing about the story feels particularly compelling either for Batman or the reader. Everything in it so far seems to be a means of reminding the character that he is no longer a billionaire and what that means for his allies and mission. Time will tell if the story gets deeper than that.
The Art: Molina and Janin deliver some fantastic art in the issue. There are beautiful details throughout and the characters look great.